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  • #2620

    Das Foto auf T865 nicht auf SD Karte gespeichert werden kann liegt leider an Android 12. Kann ich auf der DMD2 Landkarte Wegpunkte setzen? Auf der Karte interessante Punkte setzen?

    #Herbert H: Why do you keep writing in German on an English forum, knowing that the majority of the people cannot read it? It feels a bit arrogant to me.


    Das Foto auf T865 nicht auf SD Karte gespeichert werden kann liegt leider an Android 12. Kann ich auf der DMD2 Landkarte Wegpunkte setzen? Auf der Karte interessante Punkte setzen?

    #Herbert H: Why do you keep writing in German on an English forum, knowing that the majority of the people cannot read it? It feels a bit arrogant to me.


    same here…

    …and doing this after many warnings from Admin is even more dumb…


    Hello, first of all thank you for the great App.

    I had an issue today: I added my address after a track. Startet routing but in the map view the keyboard popped up when trying to increase the scale with Advenure Controller. Typing to – on the screen did not showed this behavior. I am on the latest App version.



    Herbert H

    It would nice if I could make points on the man.

    Herbert H

    Could save multiple points on the map by clicking.


    It would nice if I could make points on the man.

    Could save multiple points on the map by clicking.

    @Herbert H: Thanks for writing in English. About your 2 post above: there is an “edit” button on the posts you have created.  There is no need to post a new sentence in a new post, this is annoying for other readers following a forum. Thanks.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by voorstad.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by voorstad.
    João Pereira

    Hello John I use the 2.99933 but this Bug Spears since the Last about five releases. This is what I do. I have a Tour with 15 Tracks loaded. Only 2 Tracks are aktive. I have the Automaten pois in. When I scroll along the Tracks and Tap multiple Times about 4 0r 5 Times in different Locations in the 2 Tracks locking for places to stay over night dmd2 suddenly Crashes aß soon I Tap on the track next time. This is on a Carpe Iter 4b and on MIUI 11t pro.

    Im on this but I cant reproduce. Do you think you can make a video to show how you are making it crash? Is the crash happening after files are fully loaded and auto POI loaded?

    Hi John I was wondering if you could add a sign on the map that shows the speed limit of the road you are driving on? Also, is it possible to base the fuel range calculation on the OBD PID value for the odometer? The PID should be A6 in hex. This would be more acurate when you drive through tens of kilometers of tunnels or if you drive a distance without DMD2 on. BR Jesper

    Almost no motorcycle I have seen is actually reporting the odometer values. I will check this and report back. There will be HUGE improvements in the OBD related functions. We bough a ECU simulator that I can use on my desk to simulate any connection mode, PID value, DTC, sensors, etc.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee

    João Pereira

    Posted last week hi Just letting you know the beta version appears to be operating well on my triptek tablet One question, when choosing to navigate I’ve chosen for the app to ask me what method of navigation to use. When I choose other it defaults to Google. I’m guessing this is an Andriod App /default thing, but I want it to default to Gaia Maps instead. Can you advise on how I can do this please thanks David

    Hummm I already replied to this like 5 times, not sure if here, discord, Facebook or email. Was almost certain one of my replies was to you.

    When DMD triggers a request for navigation with external apps it tell the operating system: “YO! Mr. Android! Show me which apps can handle this link, please!”, then the Android operating system looks at all the installed apps manifest file and replies: “Ma, man, here you go, a list of all the apps that told me they could handle that!”. If you have a navigation app installed that is not showing up as an option to start navigation with then that means the app developer did not added in the app manifest that the app can handle it. The only way to fix that is by contacting the app developer and telling him to add in the manifest that the app can handle:

    The intent link will be: google.navigation

    Many apps support it already, some other apps forgot to declare it.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee

    João Pereira

    Its definatly the Beta with regards to saving on the external SD card I had the beta installed on my Honor9 and the save to SD card was also greyed out and inoperative. I uninstalled and reinstalled the non beta version… Save to SD card option not greyed out or inoperable, I can do screen shots if that helps

    The Beta targets latest Android builds, where access to SD Card is changed.
    Google does have a new method to access files in the SD Card but that would not work for map files.
    The solution is asking for a very dangerous permission (full storage access), we are trying to get it approved by google. Basically we are asking Google for the permission to be able to ask the user for permission… LOL

    You can thank google for those changes.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee

    João Pereira

    It would nice if I could make points on the man.

    This was actually possible in a previous version of DMD, and YES, this will be coming back as soon as possible!

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee

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