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  • #3343

    Top bar looks fine on my 6,3″ screen, bottom is too big for my taste.


    Hello John
    There seems to be a bug in the Map Downloader. Today there have been a lot of map updates. When clocking on update it runs until the end but the update sign remains. When you delete them and load it again it loads correctly


    Hi John,

    In portrait mode found 2 problems with loading a widget: The list of system widgeds is shown as a small strip and I can’t load a widget. Hope this helps and glad you are starting to support portrait mode!

    Edit: Make that some widgets won’t load, I use the Dutch “buienalarm” (rain alarm) in DMD2 but can’t load it in the Beta.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by klaasbloem.

    Top bar looks fine on my 6,3″ screen, bottom is too big for my taste.

    Same on my 6.59″ screen.

    Really like @mp_ ‘s proposal regarding progress box/widgets switch on the top and one button to open all side icons (!)…



    Top bar looks fine on my 6,3″ screen, bottom is too big for my taste.

    klaasbloem wrote:
    Top bar looks fine on my 6,3″ screen, bottom is too big for my taste.
    Same on my 6.59″ screen. Really like @mp_ ‘s proposal regarding progress box/widgets switch on the top and one button to open all side icons (!)…

    what do mean, looks fine? doesn’t look huge (6.43″ mine), especially comparing with landscape mode icons have twice the size?

    GPX settings modal: I would prefer the Reset button to be red and have a confirmation dialog, it’s easy to click it by mistake, actually it would be great if all “reset/delete” buttons have a confirmation dialog.


    I saw that you “disable” the buttons on GPX Recorder modal but I can still press them, is this intentionally?



    After some time (100km track, issue present after ca. 80km) track progress info box stops working and scaling is messed up:


    Disabling track progress info box in map settings does not help (still visible on screen even if disabled). After that, deleting gpx file with track from map does not work either (delete/close/still visible in map view).

    After reseting, everything works again.

    João Pereira

    v.2.99970 After some time (100km track, issue present after ca. 80km) track progress info box stops working and scaling is messed up: Disabling track progress info box in map settings does not help (still visible on screen even if disabled). After that, deleting gpx file with track from map does not work either (delete/close/still visible in map view). After reseting, everything works again.

    Can you send me a copy of this GPX file so I can do a simulation, you can send to
    Thank you

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee




    Hello John
    Its getting better and better. As you promissed the first loding of gpx files is now super fast. But its not wenn you have tp reload or when the poi feature is ticked . When poi is ticked its slower than before and there is no indication whats going on


    Hello Joao
    Woulf it be possible to offer obd speed on main screen as big indicator ad a choice because when in tunnels gps is dead. And 2hen in use as main control its more usefull

Viewing 10 posts - 741 through 750 (of 950 total)
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