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    I downloaded several offline maps ( Portugal&Spain, France, Belgium Germany ) without any error during the download process. But only Portugal&Spain are visible. All other countries are not displayed. After one day even Portugal&Spain vanished. After rebooting the device (Carpe-Iter V4b) Portugal&Spain are displayed again, all other still remain vanished.


    Any advice?




    João Pereira

    In the current DMD2 version the app will try to load only maps for the country where you are at the moment.
    This can be changed, in the same screen where you download maps, after you download any map, there is a “Always Load” button right next to the download button.
    If you enable the “Always Load” it will, as the name indicates, always load that map.

    If even after this a map is missing then you need to delete it and download again as it is probably corrupted.

    For the next big DMD2 we changed this. EVERYTHING about the map layers is configurable so you will need to enable / disable EVERYTHING you want on the map, this goes for the offline map source, online maps or any other layer.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee


    Thanks a lot for this information. That helps. By the way: is there a manual where you can read things like that?




    In the current DMD2 version the app will try to load only maps for the country where you are at the moment. This can be changed, in the same screen where you download maps, after you download any map, there is a “Always Load” button right next to the download button.

    btw.: what is the reason for choosing whether a downloaded map should be displayed or not? Displaying all downloaded maps is too costly concerning energy or processor time?

    João Pereira

    Thanks a lot for this information. That helps. By the way: is there a manual where you can read things like that? Thomas

    In the current DMD2 version the app will try to load only maps for the country where you are at the moment. This can be changed, in the same screen where you download maps, after you download any map, there is a “Always Load” button right next to the download button.

    btw.: what is the reason for choosing whether a downloaded map should be displayed or not? Displaying all downloaded maps is too costly concerning energy or processor time?

    We are working on the manual, will be fully available in this website along with many tutorial videos.

    As for the map load you are correct, the more maps you load at the same time the more resources it will use from your device. This will be even more important once we implement the POI search / browser feature…

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee


    Hello, since yesterday I am a very happy owner of the DMD-T665 Nav Phone. I love the way it mounts on the bike.

    I do have one issue though. Previously I used a samsung s20. On the samsung i was able to download most of the maps of europa. I was able to keep them all “loaded” and visible on the phone.

    On this carpe iter DMD-T665 I am not able to load more then 3 maps. For instance, I live in the Netherlands. I go often to Germany. The moment i load the German map, the dutch map is blank. I find this very uncomfortable.

    I did a test and downloaded the maps on the internal memory of the phone. All of a sudden I had the same experience as on the samsung. I could load most of europa and have everything visible.

    Is it maybe the SDCard that’s limiting?


    Hey guys is there any solution for non loading maps in dmd?

    I’ve downloaded them and set them button to always load. I do have network connection. (WiFi and cell)

    just got 2 maps on my carpe iter right now.
    Germany (currently at right now)

    so not too many maps I guess.

    But still do just see the gpx data. Not the maps.
    I’m going to Marokko next week so really appreciate your support.


    Yea I too am having the same issue.

    I’ve downloaded and deleted many times now. Just one map only and still nothing showing. I’ve uninstalled and installed from play store and same every time.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

    João Pereira

    When reporting offline map issues please let me know the device maker and model and the Android version.

    Usually maps not showing is a bad download, but there can be cases where you have too many loaded GPX files and the memory is close to full.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee

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