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  • #2235

    Hi John,

    Running the DMD2 Beta and just installed the Carpe ADV controller. Generally loving it, and definitely loving DMD2. I do have one question/issue?  When I use the joystick to pan in map mode I have no idea how to return to regular mode (i.e. regular view centered on my location) In ‘regular’ map centered view I can use the top button (Enter) to toggle from Follow Me to North UP, etc. However once I enter pan mode, the enter key instantly brings up the ‘Long Press on Map’ dialog and there is no way to get back to regular map mode. I’m guessing there is a key press sequence to get out of panning mode but I can’t seem to figure it out.




    I have exactly the same problem but it may be user error that I do not know how to get around it or it could be an issue with the Adventure Controller


    Would love to know the answer to that as well


    I really hope someone can answer this. It really limits the use of the controller. The biggest reason I got it was to be able to use the map without having to stop.



    Tested 2.99921 still the Same Bugs. The navigate Box remains after clicking Finish.

    The Calculation in my Carpe Iter for a 350 km track with 3 pois clicked needs about 10 minutes


    Hi John, Running the DMD2 Beta and just installed the Carpe ADV controller. Generally loving it, and definitely loving DMD2. I do have one question/issue? When I use the joystick to pan in map mode I have no idea how to return to regular mode (i.e. regular view centered on my location) In ‘regular’ map centered view I can use the top button (Enter) to toggle from Follow Me to North UP, etc. However once I enter pan mode, the enter key instantly brings up the ‘Long Press on Map’ dialog and there is no way to get back to regular map mode. I’m guessing there is a key press sequence to get out of panning mode but I can’t seem to figure it out. Thanks

    I have exactly the same problem but it may be user error that I do not know how to get around it or it could be an issue with the Adventure Controller

    I have exactly the same problem but it may be user error that I do not know how to get around it or it could be an issue with the Adventure Controller


    Would love to know the answer to that as well


    I really hope someone can answer this. It really limits the use of the controller. The biggest reason I got it was to be able to use the map without having to stop.


    Ok, Figured it out on my own. To exit the map pan mode is a long press on the [-] or zoom out button. Takes you back to the regular map mode. This is actually an obvious functionality as that is how to back out of any other screen. I just got too complicated in my thinking.



    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Monte.

    Tested 2.99921 still the Same Bugs. The navigate Box remains after clicking Finish. The Calculation in my Carpe Iter for a 350 km track with 3 pois clicked needs about 10 minutes


    I have this issue too. Clicking ‘Finish’ does not clear the nav box.


    DMD2 2.99920 I am not sure if this is a “bug” or a “design feature”. . . . If I select a destination point on the map, and use the DMD2 in-built navigation function, it will plot a “public road” route and provide “turn by turn” direction. However, If I deviate off this plotted route for some reason (e.g. road works / crash / traffic, etc) DMD2 continues to update and show my exact position on the map, but does not re-calculate a route to my destination, or even show how I get from my current position back to my original route. << snip >>

    DMD2 2.99921   Route re-calculation now seems to work, but for street / suburb / town use it seems to be very slow and clunky.   It will get me from town A to town B, but it is not the best tool for in-town navigation.

    João Pereira

    John correction of the above.This Happens only when Poi in the gpx Manger IS in but No Poi Chosen. ITS a Bug in my opinion because IT has nothing to do with the poi

    I cant reproduce this, no issue here.
    I have the Auto Poi Load enabled and no POI enabled on the list.

    I tap on the track and the dialog pops up.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee

    João Pereira

    Hello John would IT bei possible to Position the track behind the map so IT IS still possible to See the Route carcteristics

    I have something planned for that…

    Hello John Was Out Testing dmd2 2.99920 Sorry to say New Poi following track of 350 km Takes about 20 minutes to load on my Carpe Iter 4b. Way toooooo Long. New Bug when doing dmd2 navigate using dmd2 and do a Finish underway the left Side Box stays and does Not Go away.. 299919 was better. Sorry

    On my way slower device with 4 POI types enabled, and with a 2000Km file I took 20 seconds.
    Obviously the bigger the map source the bigger the database for POI are… And the more maps you have downloaded the more chances there is the app will query more databases, but 20 minutes is not expected… the maximum should be around 1 minute…

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee

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