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  • #2828
    João Pereira

    Hi I used DMD2 quite a bit on a trip this weekend, and when using it, the power consumption was so high the charger couldn’t keep up. I didn’t use navigation, only the home screen with the map widget. For comparison, when using google maps, the battery was charged with no problem. Would you consider putting up a “user voice” of some sort, where the users can vote on new features. And maybe you can share the backlog/planed features in a prioritized order? Thanks for the great work you do! BR Jesper

    Im sorry but DMD2 is just barely above a Google Maps in navigation power level. Its not that much, if your device charger cant keep up with an app like DMD2 then you have a problem to solve, which is not in DMD2 im afraid.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee


    Hi John

    Are you sure it’s not a possible bug? Previously I could restart DMD2 and it suddenly stopped using as much power, this time it didn’t work to restart. The charger is not great, but it stil manages to charge the phone ok when using google maps, when using DMD2 the battery gets drained when on the charger. I willl clear all data for the app and see if that solves it.




    Hi John

    When I make visible  a new track and make unvisible an other one  during usage dmd 2 40 crashes


    When I long press last (red) button on Terrain command 3 it goes to Navigation fullscreen and out of fullscreen but panning mode stays active


    Bugs in Beta 2.99942 (and previous versions):

    1. If you have two tracks in loaded GPX file and they overlaps in one section + both tracks are visible, when you short press at point in that overlapping section -> you get Point position distances window for the second track (this is ok, since you can’t get it for both overlapping tracks 🙂 ). Now, when you mark first track as invisible, everything is still ok -> when you short press at point, you still get Point position distances window for the second track.

    BUT! When you mark second track as invisible and the first track is visible (so, only the first one remains on the map), short pressing anywhere on that first track (even outside initial overlapping section!) won’t result on opening Point position distances window! Bug.

    2. When you have track that goes from point A to point B and then back to point A in one section (for instance, when you plan to climb to mountain peak and then go back on your way) when you are progressing to point B progress info box is correct (distances to track finish and to the next waypoint – that is point B). Then, you reach point B and follow your plan back to point A -> progress info box counting as you didn’t reach point B (so, distances to track finish and to the next waypoint are not correct). Not a major one, but still can be better, maybe to take into account your direction of movement?



    In GPX manager button “DELETE” will probably be more precise as “REMOVE”. Delete can suggest to some users that you’ll be deleting the gpx file, when you are actually only removing it from DMD2 map.

    Overall dmd2 is truly better and better with each new update. it became my primary enduro navigation tool (in cooperation with GPS Logger for track recording and GPX viewer pro for track browsing, editing waypoints and track editing. Both will probably be absolute with dmd2 next production version!).


    After the latest update yesterday, I had constant crashes while trying internal navigation. Was on a Samsung ActiveTab 3



    Hello John

    There must be a severe bug.

    1. Whwn I am in Dmd2 on an aktive track and want to change anything like adding the next track changing colouramaking a used track invisible dmd2 crashes. Sometimes it has the changes made when you restart sometimes not.

    2. The progression window on the right side in map mode will not reset automaticly any more. Its irrelevant whether you select one day 6 or 12 hours it just does not do it.You only can reset manualy.

    I would like to be able to make the reset directly on the map view not only on the home screen. Cheers



    I can confirm the map download bug not finishing is resolved for me with the latest version.


    I noticed that DMD is not working as expected when it’s running on background. Statistics or position are not updated.

    Don’t think that this is bug just me trying to understand how this works.. I’ve set the theme color to sensor but when I’m driving night and went through a tunnel then changes to white, same when I’m on a street that have lights around. Is there anything that can fix that and stop changing when the phone “sees” a light, I mean how the other nav app works and they don’t do that, I’m really curious on this?

    Maybe this is on TODO list, but can we have more routes to choose on each option, fast fun.. and I would really like to have an option to display the fixed cameras on the streets?


    Hello John

    What about this proposal

    Could you make it possible that on Tab devices the map and the obd screen are side by side. Same thing for other apps like rhe app of a tire pressure sensor

    I would like tondo all with one device on m 690

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