Hi, thanks for the great work. In one of your replys concerning testing DMD2 on Carpe Iter Tabs you said :”This was not supposed to be used on CARPE tabs because for those we will release it through Carpe Manager App Shelf. Either way, on today update it will enable your plugins (we added device detection code), so it will work after you update from Play Store.” But if I go ahead and delete the app will I be able to download it again from the play store without having to pay for it (since it was preinstalled)? All the best, can’t wait for 3.0! Cheers from Switzerland, your software drove me safely to the North Cape and Back last year.
Yes all your purchases are kept on all your devices.
Might it be possible to add a Distance/Trip 2 with separate reset for those of us on Enduro/Dirt bikes without a fuel gauge? App is great!!
I cant add a trip 2 at the moment as it requires massive work. But the idea for an Indicator that is a reset button is great, will add it on next update! Thank you.
What dongle are you using? Please use only OBDLink LX / VLinker MC+, pretty much everything else we tested is garbage and using stupid bad ELM chip clones.
Just to report: works with OBDLINK LX. Funny that the other obd2 dongle works with production version just fine, not with Beta though (with described symptoms). Change of protocol probably. Anyway, works with OBDLINK LX
The code in the new BETA is almost all new and way more high performance.
We will probably make our own OBD Dongle with VLinker so that we can make something a bit more “special”. Im also waiting on a top notch ECU emulator which will allow me to develop OBD stuff on the desk without having to use a car or motorcycle to test.
Some cool things coming for the OBD features.
Ich habe das DMD T865. Der interne Speicher beträgt nur 32GB. Die SD Karte wird zwar unter Speicher erkannt, habe habe mit den Apps keinen Zugriff auf die SD Karte. Die Systeme Daten betragen 9,3 GB . Habe noch OsmAnd geladen. Mehrere Länder, und der Speicher ist voll. Nun kann ich im App den Speicher nicht auswählen. Bei allen meinen anderen Handys ist es möglich. Darauf habe ich das T865 neu aufgesetzt. Beim einspielen von Android verlangt das Tablet nun können sie die SD Karte einstecken. Sie wird nicht erkannt. Den Punkt übersprungen. Dann ist in der Anfrage Speicher die SD Karte vorhanden. Aber in der Apps kann ich den Speicher nicht auswählen!! Wo liegt der Fehler!! Würde das T865 wegen dem internen Speicher 32GB nicht mehr Kaufen!!!!
English please…
The access to the SD Card for apps is extremely complex and most developers are not using it. Google made these changes starting from Android 11 I think. This is not related to the tab but with Google permissions.
If 32Gb is not enough for all your other apps and you want to return the device we will accept it. Just write us an email.
As it stands you can only use the SD Card for DMD2, not by limitation in the hardware but because the new method to access SD Card in the system is so complex almost no app will waste time with it.
DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
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