I analyzed a little bit gpx recording from today’s long ride and it seems to me that you log DEVICE time, not GPS time?
GPS time is more accurate approach, since device can be out of time sync (if manual time setting option is choosen in android).
Ver. 30032
PS: Also, what is badly 🙂 needed in this “gpx recording” department :
1. Setting for gpx log color
2. Setting for gpx log thickness & opacity
3. Setting for show/not show log (sometimes I want to record gpx, but I don’t want to see it in the map view, since it can be confusing in some specific situations)
4. And MOST of all: setting for log frequency (now is 1 sec, which can be good, but sometimes it is too frequent – for loooong and slow rides, like hard enduro).
I hope even google won’t mind for those… 🙂
All those are planned for when the GPX Recorder gets the next update.
I have been delaying it since there is a bunch of other things in line to finish.
DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
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