João Pereira

Hello John with the Maps You May have a Point. But my Problem ist the track goes from Germany to Switzerland and then to france. But i will try to reduce. But there IS an Idea. May bei IT would bei possible to build a corridor of 20 km arround the track and Research only there. Regarding the navigate Item do you See a solution?

To be honest, like A LOT of the stuff you guys are using are unfinished, the final version of the Track Auto Load POI will include settings like:
– Set maximum POI distance to the track (5Km, 10Km, 25Km, 50Km)
– Do a POI search at every: 10Km interval / 25Km intervals/ 50Km intervals / 100Km intervals
– Maximum number of results per search interval (per category): 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100

Those settings will GREATLY impact the performance.

DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
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