[quote quote=2673]
johnkeel wrote:
Mr Head wrote:
I’m beginning this journey having finally got the Beta in Google Play figured out. I’ve updated my DMD2 to Beta from Google Play on a Samsung Tab A7-Lite. I’d previously set map downloads to the SD card, but now that option is greyed out. I can wait on that. I purchased the OBD plugin, but am having issues getting the dongle to see the ECU either in the OBD Link app or DMD2 Beta. The dongle is an OBDII LX that works perfectly with TuneECU and was painless to link there as well. I will soon have a Carpe Inter Adventure controller in hand to play with as well and am hoping to use this on my upcoming rides in Utah, using some roadbooks I created with the offline maps as a backup.
Need to know which motorcycle you have. It needs to be OBD2 compatible which mean 2019+
Think this is related to KTM 990. Can I contact you directly (or you me for that matter)? I might be able to assist on this… Would be great if you can get that working (as it is working with other apps (tune ecu, ktm bt sensors, …).[/quote]
Please email me to info@drivemodedashboard.com or just send me a message on Facebook like everyone else hahaha
[quote quote=2674]Hello, To update to the newer BETA version do we simply delete the old and then reinstall?[/quote]