João Pereira

Hi all, Is there somewhere a manual on how to install DMD on a Garmin Thread? I am considering the Thread to replace my current tablet and am curious on how it works (DMD, including the adventure controller) and also whether it is possible to install and run other android apps. However did not find a lot of info until now. Thanks. Frans

Hello that is supper easy!

Just open the “Browser” app in your Thread.
Type this in the address: https://drivemodedashboard.com/DMD2BetaLatest.apk

I will start the download of the DMD apk.

Then you can check in the device notifications (swipe from the top), when the Download finishes just tap on the download notification to trigger the install.
It will ask for install permissions which you need to give.

Thanks it.

I recommend reading on this website: Top Menu – Manuals – Non Play Store License

DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
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