João Pereira

Hi! Are there any plans where should be Track Recording function available?

Yes absolutely this feature will be returning better than ever.

Nice to have feature proposal: The fuel mileage could be reset in any screen (for example, long press in home or map screen). Now you have to go to the ODB menu to reset.

Agree this will be implemented as soon as I can.

Hi Guys, nice work it\s grate to partecipate to the beta release…. Just a question, in GPX there is the way to see the distance to the next waypoint? 1 or 2 next and up the the end. There was in previous version and was very usefull. Cheers

On next update yes, for now only clicking on the track will give distances and stuff.

Here is what you will have on the next update:

– Track Progress
– Automatically load up to 3 POI categories along the track and view real-time distance to them while you ride
– Distance to next waypoint and heading (arrow) to it

DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
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