
Using beta 2.84 for 1st time, as my primary interest is in Africa navigation, I noticed that many country maps are still missing. After an initial review: Senegal, Ghana, Togo, Benin, (maybe the last 3 are under West Africa), South Sudan, Sudan and surprisingly Egypt. Furthermore, after checking Morocco+Mauritania, I noticed that the town names are in Western name/Greek/Arabic, but prevalently Arabic. It is very confusing. There should be an option in Setting for choosing, e.g. “Western only”. I also tried to select Off Road Topo in Map Style, but nothing changes in the layout with or without Reset.

I am absolutely sure all maps are included but maybe some countries are bundled together, I will check and correct names. Choosing map language is already in the todo list, will try to fix that!

I checked a 2nd time: Senegal, Ghana, Togo and Benin are bundled together as West Africa, with all the countries in between. If Egypt and Sudan are bundled somewhere, I don’t know, but they should be on their own.

The names are in Arabic in Morocco and Mauritania, but in West Africa and Mali they are correct.

Does Off Road Topo view work for you?