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João Pereira
KeymasterOkay, I did it exactly as shown in the YouTube video. Result, I was able to download all the maps. Result two, now new problem. The map is displayed and I am supposed to have a GPS signal that is displayed at 4.7. When I try to navigate, it keeps saying no GPS signal found. With Garmin navigation, I can sit in a closed room and it works. It may be that everything works on your Overland, everything worked for me before your update, but now nothing works at all. And it’s not just this complete ignorance of what you actually publish, but that one update is followed by the next with new functions. You should first make sure that the things that are there work properly and not keep releasing stuff that leads to problems. But that’s my opinion and people may like to try out new functions all the time. I would like people to know in advance what’s coming and then be able to decide whether they want it or not. This way you are forced to install something because you don’t know whether this update will finally fix the bugs that keep cropping up. And one more thing that always strikes me: If the Garmin system is so bad in your opinion, why do you offer a version for this? I paid more than 100 EUR for your license and what I get is a bunch of half-baked software that sometimes works and then doesn’t after an update. So if all this is down to Garmin, why exactly do they manage to sell a system where the things that are promised actually work? It’s easy to always blame others and not realize that your development process needs improvement. How likely is it that a system that previously worked without any problems will no longer work after an update and that the fault is then to be found in the hardware?
If the issue in your case was loss of Storage access then let me tell you it has nothing to do with DMD2, this usually happens on system firmware updates, specially for apps installed by APK method.
This happened with users who updated their CARPE tablets and it even happened to our own devices, which was when we learned that device firmware updates need to be made in a way where apps preserve permissions…Garmin software should work better on Garmin devices because all their apps (all their software) has system permissions, thats exactly why our software also works better on our own devices, because we dont have to deal with half the shit regarding Android permissions.
I never said your issue was due to hardware, i just said that if DMD2 no longer has access to storage then its either a storage issue or storage permission issue.
I cannot give you much more information since i dont have your device for inspection.
Im sure DMD2 will work just fine once you go outside and the device picks up GPS.
Im not sure if you installed our APK by downloading it from our website.
Im not sure if DMD2 has all the required permissions.If you want you can provide me your order number for the app license and i will refund you. We are a small team, 4 people at the moment, i dont expect our app to please everyone and be perfect. It is what it is, we are always working to try to make it better, but unlike Garmin, our app needs to run on 1000 different devices, ranging from phones to tablets, and ranging from Android 7.1 to Android 14.
DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
Buy Me a CoffeeJoão Pereira
KeymasterThank you for the tip and I have followed it. As a result, however, I can only report that everything will be deleted, both settings and map data. The whole thing would be bearable if the map download worked. But this is exactly what it does not do. I have now spent three hours trying to download maps, with the result that 100% is always displayed, but no download works. The symbol remains that no data is being downloaded. So if it is true that it is due to Android, why does the SD card work with the Garmin? No problem under the Garmin and everything worked before the big new update. It simply cannot be true. I’m now really annoyed at how one update after another is pushed out here without it being clear what it’s all about. Why are there no release notes etc.? What is being delivered here is really garbage. I urgently recommend picking up a Garmin Tread Overland and testing it.
Got a Garmin Tread on my desk, works perfectly, including downloading maps.
Just downloaded one, no issue, if DMD2 cannot download maps then its a storage issue, either no access to storage or SD Card related issues. For the first a simple DMD2 Clear App Storage sorts it.
In the last 6 months, there has been no change to the code related to downloading maps, zero, none.The fact the SD Card works with the Garmin does not invalidate that its garbage, its slow, its a mess to deal, vibration can easily disconnect it or cause data corruption.
If the issue is storage permission issues, as i said, do this, and NOT uninstall and install again:
Make sure after clear app storage that you also delete the DMD2 folder in the Garmin Tread SD Card if you intend to use it.
DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
Buy Me a CoffeeJoão Pereira
KeymasterHey, thank you for responding, at least we can complain together and not feel like nobody on here is listening. I agree with everything you wrote. I’ve said this before, Its a complement and complaint each time I introduce this product to friends and fellow raiders asking about it. I completely and utterly applaud these guys (fellow Portuguese ADV Brothers) for attempting and successfully putting this product out. I know its no easy under taking and they derive a ton of praise. That aside, I feel like a beta tester than an end user. This app isn’t for the non IT educated, it’s frankly frustrating! I understand they’re working again and again with issues from the various hardware manufactures who also tweak and update things from their end. It’s basically why Apple is what it is……despite their missteps, however this DMD2 software is annoying! Working for a few days, weeks snd sometimes a month then problems. I too tried to do the group ride function and had the crash. At this point I just want the basics to work correctly. As for this current issue, they updated a new build today and I installed it. My blank white screen in the maps work correctly however now I’m having the issue of needing to reenter the license code….and doing the song and dance of deleting it from the Thork Racing webpage then reentering it again on the device. It all works until the device or app is turned off…..then the dog and pony show starts all over again. Ugh
You have the issue of reentering the license code? Which license code is it? Is it a CARPE specific license? Like a DMD Edition license?
DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
Buy Me a CoffeeJoão Pereira
KeymasterHi Pcfly, Thank you for your reply. I also had the problem with the white screen. However, the solution was that the map assumed I was somewhere in the Arctic because the GPS wasn’t working. After the second update it worked. Currently I only have the problem that any navigation crashes with the described error. As much as I like using the DMD2, this forum is actually pointless. No matter how often and what I write about, I don’t get a single hint from support. DMD2 support is actually non-existent. What bothers me personally, but maybe I just don’t know where to find it, are the release notes. I install some update and then have to search around to find out what has changed, plus the constant features that don’t work. For example, the ability to create profiles. When I try this, DMD2 always crashes. Testing is done at the customer’s premises, as always.
Same as Thomas? Also using SD Card?
DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
Buy Me a CoffeeJoão Pereira
KeymasterOkay the last update helps a lot, but now it’s impossible to navigate with DMD2. After a search like Gas Station, the navigation stops with a failure message. calculate error /storage/2009-172E/Android/data/com.thorkracing.dmd2launcher/files/Router/Calculated/directions0.gpx:open files: ROFS (Read-only file system) I think I need help to solve the problem. Thanks Thomas
Not related to the app, this means that DMD2 no longer has access to that storage location.
Either SD Card permission gone, SD Card removed, or any other of the 10000 reasons why SD Cards suck in Android.To fix storage permission you can always do an app reset:
DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
Buy Me a CoffeeJoão Pereira
You will need to test it, we have the new remote controller setup in GLOBAL SETTINGS (cog wheel in bottom menu) -> Setup Remote Controller, give it a try.
DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
Buy Me a CoffeeJoão Pereira
KeymasterAlready fixed and update released today.
DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
Buy Me a CoffeeJoão Pereira
KeymasterZoom with volume keys: You can map keys, including volume keys, in the new Controller Manager:
– Click the cog wheel button in the bottom menu
– Tap on Setup Remote Controller
– Tap on “Map View” and assign volume keys to the Zoom In / Zoom Out functionsFor the buttons app issues an update was already released that should address that. Please check if you have all updates.
DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
Buy Me a CoffeeJoão Pereira
KeymasterThe boxes only show once you are actually on top of a track.
To record GPX tap on the “GPX” button and then in the bottom tap on “RECORDER”.DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
Buy Me a CoffeeJoão Pereira
KeymasterThat looks like you increased screen scaling so much that apps think you are using a phone and not a tablet.
This is not something i ever expected :ODMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
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