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  • #4077


    I have DMD2 3.00039 running on a Samsung Tab Active3. I am very happy with the functionality of DMD2. It has guided me over the TET in Norway, Romania and Bosnia without issues. I use it in combination with a Carpe Iter controller and a bluetooth OBD device. It is installed on a Rade Garage tower on a KTM690.

    I have noticed a high level of power consumption. If I charge the tablet from a powerbank, charging cannot keep up with the comsumption and the power% slowly drops. If not connected with a charger the tabled will run empty within 3 or 4 hours.

    Is this high power comsumption recognized by other Tab Active users? Or is it something specific to my tablet? I have been using this tablet in this configuration for two years now. Would it be a warn out battery?

    Kind regards, Ruud Kapteijn

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