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  • #1945

    Could it be that DMD draws quite some power in Map VIEW with a GPX track displayed? I noticed a strange behavior today which I did not observe when using the standard DMD version before. Before I used DMD as Launcher and the TomTom App for navigation – in this combination my Samsung would stay at 100% charge when using the SP wireless charger (wasn’t a problem over the whole last season).
    Today I sued DMD Beta Map mode navigating a GPX track and after about 6 hours the Samsung battery was empty even though the same charger was charging – I will check for other potential reasons but since I did not change anything on the hardware setup, I wonder if DMD beta just draws that much energy that the charger is not good enough…

    João Pereira

    Could it be that DMD draws quite some power in Map VIEW with a GPX track displayed? I noticed a strange behavior today which I did not observe when using the standard DMD version before. Before I used DMD as Launcher and the TomTom App for navigation – in this combination my Samsung would stay at 100% charge when using the SP wireless charger (wasn’t a problem over the whole last season). Today I sued DMD Beta Map mode navigating a GPX track and after about 6 hours the Samsung battery was empty even though the same charger was charging – I will check for other potential reasons but since I did not change anything on the hardware setup, I wonder if DMD beta just draws that much energy that the charger is not good enough…

    There are some real-time statistics being done in the background (for the track progress box) that will consume more power, yet, from the measures I did its not that high comparing to Google Maps for example. Unfortunately I cannot develop the app taking in consideration things like power use, its supposed to be an app for devices always powered, otherwise we will have to limit the app A LOT in regards to performance and features.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee


    It is not running on battery, it is using the SP connect Wireless Charger – it’s hard to get some data about it but it seems that it is only loading with 7.5W max (the standard goes up to 15W though) – so maybe in total in sunlight it’s just above that limit in total power consumption and therefore it is actually draining additional battery power – or maybe it is in combination with the incorrect battery charging indicator? (however I tested on another wireless charger at home and it actually did charge the battery wireless when DMD was running – have to try it again using the SP Connect charger on the bike to be sure tough…)

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