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  • #4353

    Carpe Iter V4b.20240205, Android 11
    DMD2 3.00048

    Following a GPX yesterday, and my position on the map drifted greatly when moving anything above about 10kmph. The fix was spot on when stopped, and the tablet reported a 1/2yd fix most of the time. When I changed direction though, it seemed to continue on the wrong trajectory. Almost like the fix wasn’t being updated frequently enough.

    It made it impossible to lead the route.

    Running GPSTune3 or GPSTest seemed to report the position was good, but obviously I only did this when stopped.

    No issues with this before upgrading to Android 11, this is a persistent problem after the update.

    Switched to Google Maps, and there were no issues in there with drift.

    I wondered if the APIs had changed or something, which means DMD2 isn’t getting the readings correctly?

    • This topic was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by linssen.
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