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  • #2657

    Every time I try to Navigate in DMD2 I get

    Calculation Error

    There was an error calculating the route! Please try again, if you are off road try the mixed profile! java.long.RuntimeException: error reading datafile W5_N50.rd5: top index checksum error


    This is both for holding down a point on the map to navigate to or importing gpx files.

    João Pereira

    Every time I try to Navigate in DMD2 I get Calculation Error There was an error calculating the route! Please try again, if you are off road try the mixed profile! java.long.RuntimeException: error reading datafile W5_N50.rd5: top index checksum error This is both for holding down a point on the map to navigate to or importing gpx files.

    That means the calculation file download is not good, probably the download was not completed.
    Delete whatever map file it is for the country in question and download again.
    Let me know if it continues to happen.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee


    I already did that this morning and it didn’t work.

    I even deleted all data for the DMD2 app in the settings and reloaded the map.

    I am using the Great Britain map.


    João Pereira

    Ok this one completely messed my head!

    But after watching your video I just found out what was the problem.

    Basically you have a DMD-T devices, and you are using an SD Card right?

    This means that when you delete app storage, the map files, POI database and calculation files are all on the SD Card and will not be deleted.

    Still when you delete a map file and download again it should download the files again right? Well no, we have this condition that checks for the date of calculation file and if they are not older than 2 days they will not download.
    Did this because many countries share the same calculation files and there was no point in redownloading the same files over and over again for different countries.

    I just changed the code of the app to, instead of 2 days, use 3 minutes.

    Also notice all this will stop happening once we get rid of the Android Download manager, currently we use it and it just is not good enough for big files, it does not report failed downloads and does not clean up on failure.
    We are doing our own download manager that can download in the background, check for file integrity and resume downloads.

    DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
    Buy Me a Coffee


    Hi, Was the resolved as i am having the exact same issue on a Samsung Active Tab2 & 3 and Galaxy note10. I have remoed the maps , reinstalled and re-booted the whole system and still i get this error?

    BERCY Gaetan

    Hello, I am using the DMD application on a Blackview 6200 Pro. First of all, thank you for creating this great app! I encounter a bug during navigation calculation. Every time I try to calculate a route to a point of interest or a city that is more than about 10 km from my position, I get a calculation error message. I have tried deleting the maps and re-downloading them, but without success. I am using the 4 maps: France NORTH/SOUTH/ALPS/PYRENEES. Thank you in advance.


    BERCY Gaetan

    Hello, today I completely uninstalled the application and then reinstalled it, re-downloaded the maps, and it is working again. I will keep the DMD application as the home application on the smartphone to test…

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