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  • #5724

    I would really like to see a non-Google android operating system installed on your units, it would eliminate all bloatware from Android and Google yet still remain usable and have the ability to install Google apps by the user.

    At this time, I’ve tested “/e//OS” on a Samsung Galaxy S9+, running DMD2 (with keys for obdii and maps) and it is incredibly responsive, has not crashed or had any other errors, allows everything DMD2 does on a google-based unit, but has none of the laggy, buggy garbage that’s installed and embedded with the standard OS.

    Both /e/os and Lineage would be excellent choices as the flagship OS for your units! No b.s., just DMD2, a few standard apps, and just let the customers install what they want!

    As an alternative, would you be willing to allow the units you sell to be unlocked and rooted, either as a standard offering or perhaps as an option when purchasing the units?

    As a secondary alternative, would your office be willing to at least debloat the units and have everything unnecessary to DMD2 and the android OS be removed prior to shipping? I can’t tell if you already do this, as there’s no screen shots of what’s behind DMD2 when its closed, but having Google Play store preinstalled I assume it has all the regular apps installed.




    Would this also get around the problem with Google and SD cards?


    Yes it would, as the locked/encrypted card issue with Google’s android system is all on them. I have no such thing on my Galaxy S9+ with /e/os installed on it. It would also allow developers to use sdcard storage for their apps without jumping through a million hoops that Google forces upon them.

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