Beta installed on the Carpe Iter. How do I activate the plugins I’m licensed with the tablet purchase?
This was not supposed to be used on CARPE tabs because for those we will release it through Carpe Manager App Shelf.
Either way, on today update it will enable your plugins (we added device detection code), so it will work after you update from Play Store.
The beta is awesome but I keep losing the bluetooth connection to the adventure controller and the obd dongle.Obd automatically reconnects but the controller stays dead until I turn the ignition off and on again Samsung ActiveTab 2 Adventure Controller Obd Link MX+
Sorry but that is not related to the app at all, the BT connections are managed by the device BT stack, and the Active Tab 2 uses a somewhat old and known to be problematic stack (specially when you connect more that one device).
Tapping ‘Waypoints’ from the GPX manager reliably crashes DMD2.
- Upload GPX from Google Drive
- Tap GPX from map page
- Tap uploaded GPX
- Tap ‘Waypoints’
App will then crash.
- Only one GPX in the manager
- GPX has multiple waypoints, but one track
- Interestingly, then tapping ‘Send feedback’ also crashes the ‘Google Play Store’
Thank you!!! There was indeed a crash when the GPX Waypoint Symb (icon) was null (not defined in the file), fixed for todays update!
DMD2 Project Manager & Lead Developer
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