Hi John,
for past week I’ve been riding 2000km off road track’s in Bosnia with my africa twin, carpe iter v4 & DMD2 beta. First hand, 3-4 times when using off road navigation thru DMD2, lead me to a dead end. Probably you have an issue with the maps, I don’t know where You get them, but we needed to back track.
Also, when riding thru the woods on the mountains, when close to a dead end,2 times, I can see the another road but can’t get to it if You’re not Graham Jarvis with 100kg bike, probably again an issue with the maps you’re using.
Also, when trying Easy, Medium and Hard track calculation, I could not find an difference between the tracks. Maybe this is specific to my starting & destination point, but I was a little confused that all the tracks were the same even toe when passing on the track, I could see another roads.
When trying to navigate to address, many times after search, address not find, but when scrolling on the map, finding the address on the map, long press and it will navigate to it. Don’t know why it can not find by address type.
Will it be an option for like Favorites address input that can be selected without typing?
I have one complaint about track showing on the screen when navigating. On the track showed on the map, on device screen, every turn You highlight with and arrow box. When having few turns one after the other, you really cant see the track from all the arrow boxes. When You have an simple one road track, you can ignore this, but when cumming to an twisty woods crossroad with like 6 different lines divided by few meters, few of them going in the same direction at first, arrow boxes are in the way and sometimes need stopping and zooming in to find a correct path. Maybe to consider to reduce the arrow boxes, not on every one way road bend but to only crossroads or intersections or something like that.
Regarding the OBD function, I’ve read some were earlier that you said it’s only from 2019 and never, but my AT is from 2017 and OBD works fine.
In any case, keep up the awesome work.