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  • 2019 Husqvarna 701 / Carpe Tab

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  • #12179

    As a workaround, if this happens switch color theme in global settings -> dark to light and back again to correct…


    Hmmm, have you tried unloading the map, loading a different map and switching back, possibly clear app cache in android sys settings…
    Delete map and re-download… lots of ideas… maybe show us  a screenshot?


    Look here:

    scroll down to “12V Power Supply Wiring:”


    Yepp, had the exact same experience…. almost drove me crazy. Arrived back home found the new 98 update, all good again…



    I imagine you are in map view? You probably have a track or route loaded and it is showing the straight line back to that. Check for visible track or route and deactivate those, should get rid of the line.


    Releasem notes from 10.07.24:


    DMD2 3.00080 released:
    GPX Manager – now supports GPX files with ROUTES.
    GPX Manager – Removed Advanced button and replaced it with “invert direction” switch
    GPX Manager – Preserves last selection position going forward and back in the menus
    GPX Manager – Removed all options to convert Track to calculated route -> Finally!!! Bye bye!
    Map Themes – Made some small islands name show only on lower zoom levels and made some places like “neighbourhood” and “hamlet” show at higher zoom levels
    Moved from Location Manager provider to Fused Location Provider – Falls back to Location Manager when Fused not available
    Fixed a case where voice would trigger for “Wrong direction” and “Away from track” even when it was disabled
    Map View – When you hide the right side widgets, if you have active track instructions they will take its space
    Navigation and GPX Progress – fixed a case where they could freeze
    Added extra controller key debounce check to check and prevent stuck keys
    Many other small fixed and improvements, this was a big update, will keep it under the radar to do immediate patches in cases anyone finds any issue!


    Very true very true. I found that in the settings section of the ODO and then changed a widget to fuel %. Once that was done I changed the ODO setting to calculate in the app at 100 miles and then it started reading mileage. Thank you for pointing me straight. I could have swore that I had seen these sections but never found them again until now.

    Glad to get you sorted!


    There is a remaining distance to empty that is configured on the speedo/obd view (look at the top right under the status bar there should be a km/mi  showing, tap on that and you can set the distance to countdown from or reset etc.. maybe you have to enable it from the settings on that view, don’t really remember) and can be added as one of the small widgets on the map view.


    Hi, Warning lights are not a deal breaker, I can easily mount some LEDs. Can the device display a third party navigation app (Google Maps or Calimoto) and road speed and tacho, all at the same time?

    Why a 3rd party nav app when DMD2 has excellent navigation with offline maps integrated?


    OK, that’s beyond my horizon… maybe @johnkeel can chime in.


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