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  • KTM 790 Adventure R (2020) & Husqvarna FE450 (2016)
  • If you are wondering if the Carbon Rade Garage rally tower for 790 Adv R, fits the T865 tablet, It sure does fits perfectly with plenty room for wiring, cockpit is much cleaner now and you can see all your OEM TFT without looking under the Tablet when standing. Yes I have a messy Garage…. I blame the wife 🙂

  • Silverfox Controller H1 and DMD T865

    The last few days I have had to access the buttons app after changing from home screen to map screen. it is as though the connection to the controller is lost (Wired) until I access test buttons  then it works again in Maps.

    Please fix.

  • DMD-T865 worked great when using on the ACT Italy, great support getting the device and Silverfox H1 installed and wired before the trip thanks.

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