João Pereira

[quote quote=7629]I have pre-planned routes that I have received from others and some from tracking myself going around. I have added some markers on map for hill climbs, water crossings, wash outs, tech inspection, service, reserved lodging, gates, entrances, etc and have to individually select each item on and off depending on where I plan on riding. Example could be Wharton State Forest, Sandblast Rally, McCreary Gravel Rally, Famous Reading Outdoors. Each is a unique event/place that I could save waypoints, gpx routes, locations as a bundle and hide or show all as one without fear of missing things. Below is a small example of a local multi-tier canal that I noted gates, wash outs, and entrances from the main roads. 7 waypoints/markers and 1 track on/off with one button press. [/quote]

But to me that just sounds like a folder is one “GPX FILE”.
That is very similar to what i do. I for example have one GPX file per mountain. Each GPX file contains:
– Main Tracks
– Secondary Tracks
– Connection Tracks
– Waypoints for information and Waypoints that are used like POIs (example: Restaurants)


This is one single file.
I load them in DMD2 GPX Manager and i hide or show them according to where i am.

I think it all comes down to “Workflow” and i try to keep eveything as close as possible to a multi-platform and multi-app solution, a standard model like the GPX file.
Onx “folder” method is not a standard, its not a multi-app solution, its a specific solution that will only work with Onx, i try to stay away from that specially when a standard solution already exists.


For example, you say:
“Can we save bulk GPX, Waypoint, etc in folders that can be toggled on/off?”
Basically this would work like:

_ Mount X
| _ _ Tracks
| _ _ _ Main Tracks
| _ _ _ Alternative Tracks
| _ _ _ Connection Tracks
| _ _ Routes
| _ _ Wpts – Information
| _ _ _ Warnings
| _ _ _ No Go
| _ _ Wpts – Camping
| _ _ Wpts – Water

Then inside each folder you would drop a GPX file containing either corresponding tracks or the corresponding Wpts, and then you toogle On/Off the content of the folder correct?

Is this the type of system you are looking for?