5000 mile trip coming up in the 14th. Mostly off road. Looking forward to trying it out!
DMD2 3.00080 released: – GPX Manager – now supports GPX files with ROUTES. – GPX Manager – Removed Advanced button and replaced it with “invert direction” switch – GPX Manager – Preserves last selection position going forward and back in the menus – GPX Manager – Removed all options to convert Track to calculated route -> Finally!!! Bye bye! – Map Themes – Made some small islands name show only on lower zoom levels and made some places like “neighbourhood” and “hamlet” show at higher zoom levels – Moved from Location Manager provider to Fused Location Provider – Falls back to Location Manager when Fused not available – Fixed a case where voice would trigger for “Wrong direction” and “Away from track” even when it was disabled – Map View – When you hide the right side widgets, if you have active track instructions they will take its space – Navigation and GPX Progress – fixed a case where they could freeze – Added extra controller key debounce check to check and prevent stuck keys – Many other small fixed and improvements, this was a big update, will keep it under the radar to do immediate patches in cases anyone finds any issue! Sorry for my recent absence, two weeks being hammered by COVID.