Successfully solved the problem with non-working controllers in the version 59, by downgrading to version 48. Now I can use both of my controllers with dmd again, until the fix is released.
Procedure is:
1. Backup your dmd config (dmd/main settings/create zip)
2. Delete all dmd2 storage (android/settings/apps/dmd2/delete storage !not only cash!). Note: you have to do full app storage delete, just deinstall 59+install of previous version is not enough (ask me how I know 🙂 )
3. Uninstall dmd2 app ver 59
4. Download dmd2 older version from https://apkpure.com/drive-mode-dashboard-2/com.thorkracing.dmd2launcher/versions?_gl=1*84xokq*_ga*YW1wLUwtZGZRZzl3XzlxR1pPUDlYSkhtTmdsRzE0VGVqSWJBSXBvbHBQSjFMU3diWkVUNTlhTDJtenFoWjBHOGFvWGg
I opted for ver 48. Link is from dmd discord channel.
5. Install dmd ver 48
6. Restore your settings (dmd/main settings/restore zip)
7. Reinstall maps (yap, you have to do it)
8. Since you side loaded Android app (not from Play Store), problems with media widget is probable (restricted access to notifications for side loaded apps) . This is easily solvable -> go to android/apps/dmd2 app/top right corner menu/allow restricted settings and then you can set it what dmd needs…
Voila! You can use your controller(s) again.
Again, step 2 is mandatory, prior deinstall of ver 59. Without this step, controllers did not work even with version 48 (this could be useful info for developers, for debugging)