Andre T

Ok. Here is what I found using a bluetooth keyboard with DMD2 set to 8 key controller:


F1 Reset Trip
F2 Toggle Light/Dark mode
F3 Google Map
F5 Lock Screen
F7 Lock Screen
3 Google Map
4 Toggle Day/Night
5 Reset Trip
– Lock Touchscreen
e Short press toggle bottom buttons
a lock touchscreen
d toggle bottom nav
k lock touch
c Long press Toggle Bottom Buttons
ENTER long press Toggle Bottom buttons
space Lock Touchscreen


F1 Reset Trip
F2 Toggle Light/Dark Mode
F3 Google Map
F5 Cancel
F6 Zoom In
F7 Zoom out
3 Google Map
4 Toggle Light/Dark Mode
5 Reset Trip
– zoom in
“=” zoom out
q zoom in
e toggle bottom buttons
a zoom in/long press toggle sat map
d toggle bottom buttons
c Center/Long press Toggle Bottom Buttons
ENTERC enter/Long press Toggle Bottom Buttons
space zoom out/lock on long press
left arrow left
up arrow up
down arrow down
right arrow right

Hope this will help others.
