Eric Schiller

Had the same issue and it took me a while to find where I had ticked on the option.

In my case, I had saved my shop location under MY PLACES so it could quickly be tapped and navigate to… and that is where I had also ticked on the checkbox to draw a line to it.

I had not loaded any GPX tracks, and even after I deleted the map, the line was still there.  Navigating to other locations on other maps (further away from the SE USA) did not help, I could not find I could not find the setting to turn it off.  I searched under all the tabs, but missed it here.  Hopefully this can help others.

To clear it, (in my case), open the MAPS MAIN SCREEN, then go to the SEARCH (Magnifying Glass) icon, then can select each of the saved places and toward the middle of the screen, (I am sure each layout will be a little different due to resolution etc.), there is a toggle next to a green flag to SHOW LINE… For some reason, I had this checked on some locations but not others.  For general navigation on streets and highways, I don’t need (or want) this, so I switched it to off and all is well!

Enjoying the app and appreciate all the work you guys are putting into it.